2020. április 2., csütörtök

Készíts házilag szájmaszkot, amit még varrni sem kell!

"koronavírus járvány miatt hatalmas a kereslet a szájmaszkokra, hiszen az orvosoknak, nővéreknek és más egészségügyi dolgozóknak maszkok millióira van szüksége. Éppen ezért világszerte sokan minden tőlük telhetőt megtesznek, hogy maszkokat készítsenek, amit aztán eljuttatnak a megfelelő helyre. Hogyan készíthetsz magadnak szájmaszkot, ha nincs otthon és nem tudsz varrni? Erre mutatunk pár szuper és egyszerű megoldást!"

A cikket itt találjátok: https://www.helloladies.hu/szajmaszk-keszitese.html?fbclid=IwAR1zBpzJVRVkdLaqEndEcPoeNcgS29AJLL_kL4dIsbn5wjuK8mgo_n5jvGo

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Easy COVID-19 Face Mask Tutorial WITHOUT SEWING, DIY Washable face mask, Reusable FACE MASK at HOME, Face Mask for Children, Korean style face mask, N95 Filter Mask, KF 94 Filter Mask, PM2.5 Carbon Filter Mask.

Dear My Yorians,
I hope all of you are staying safe.
This video is not about food or cooking. I am in Korea right now, and it is difficult to acquire a proper face mask that could shield me from infection. I heard it Is about the same or even worse in other countries.
Many countries, including the USA, forbids in or out of facial mask shipments. Therefore I would like to introduce you to a way to make your facial mask with a store-purchased filter and handkerchief.
I assume most of the people in Korea already know how to do this, so I would be using English subtitles. If you need a Korean subtitle, please turn the subtitle function and set the language to Korean. I sincerely hope everybody would stay safe and healthy until this pandemic is over.
I hope my video would help lots of you to stay and feel safe. Thank you.🙏

** Please click the CC/Subtitle button for your language.
*** Replaceable Mask Filters***
(Try to check local Lowes, Home Depot or Walmart to see if they have those filters.)
*** You may use a coffee filter if you are not able to find those filters.

0) I’ve been noticed that it is difficult to acquire the KF94 filter, so I found a link to a Korean online shopping website that offers global delivery. KF94 is officially proven that it could block more than 95 percent of the known viruses. It may charge you about twenty to 25 dollars for global delivery, but with this, you could make about 50 masks with one roll. There may be countries that could not be delivered, but there are many countries that they do deliver, including the USA. As you might have heard, Korea is famous for its filter and testing kit for the COVID-19. Most items are reliable and functional. Detailed would be written in Korean, but you could change the language fo the site to other languages, please check if it has yours. I hope this information could help people all over the world.
(Please check the very bottom of the site to switch to your country. The shipment is available to many countries but they offer the language in English.)
Fine Dust/Blocks/NANO
미세먼지 차단 창문필터 4개 방충망 황사 마스크

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