- 2018. április 4., 20:00–23:00
- A38 Hajó
7. Nemzetközi Gary Moore Emlékkoncert
➤ Jegyek: www.tixa.hu/lots_2018
➤➤ Vendégek:
- Cliff Moore Band /Anglia/
- Marcus Deml /Németország/
- Tommy Katona /Magyarország-USA/
➤➤➤ További részletek hamarosan...
Kapcsolat: info@lots-music.com
7. Nemzetközi Gary Moore Emlékkoncert
➤ Jegyek: www.tixa.hu/lots_2018
➤➤ Vendégek:
- Cliff Moore Band /Anglia/
- Marcus Deml /Németország/
- Tommy Katona /Magyarország-USA/
➤➤➤ További részletek hamarosan...
Kapcsolat: info@lots-music.com
"Talán ez a jó hír még épp "befér a fa alá". 
A 2007 óta Amerikában zenélő Tommy Katona is úgy alakítja tavaszi programját, hogy részt tudjon venni Budapesten az április 4-i Gary Moore Emlékesten!!! 

Texas Flood – Dallas Texas
Texas Flood played Labor Day (09.04.2017) for the folks of Wichita Falls, Texas as part of the “Support Lake Wichita” project. A spokesperson for the Lake project stated that they are in hopes of bringing many more bands to the park to entertain the community with no entry charge. The band is comprised of lead vocalist and guitarist, Tommy Katona along with Travis Montoya and Steve Buckner. They are a tribute band to the late great Stevie Ray Vaughan. I for one think they do a great job and highly recommend checking them out when they come to your area.
You can check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TexasFloodTX/
They also have a website which can be reached by visiting https://texasflood.net/home
And just for the legalities of the contents of this video, I did ask them directly if we could post these videos on YouTube, permission was given and gratitude was given for doing so. You can contact them by emailing STVBUCKNER@Yahoo.com
Thanks for visiting with us and we hope you enjoyed the music and the video!
We do plan to do more videos like this when the opportunity arises so be sure to subscribe and click “like” and then share the video, it would be greatly appreciated!
And by the way, the video quality will continue to get better :-)
Gary Moore Emlék Koncert - Gary Moore Memorial Concert
2015 04.03 - Budapest,A38 Hajó
Cliff Moore - gitár/guitar,
Ben Granfelt - gitár/guitar,ének/vocal,
Harrisen Larner-Main - ének/vocal,
Vámos Zsolt - gitár/guitar,
Somogyi Remig - gitár/guitar,
Szirota Jennifer - ének/vocal
Pintér Petra - ének/vocal
Lőrincz Viktor - basszusgitár/bass
Szebényi Dániel - billentyűs hangszerek/keyboards
Borbély Zsolt - dob/drums
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